I am porter 👩🏽✈️, the friendly neighborhood CNAB authoring tool
I am porter 👩🏽✈️, the friendly neighborhood CNAB authoring tool
porter [flags]
porter create
porter build
porter install
porter uninstall
--debug Enable debug logging
--debug-plugins Enable plugin debug logging
-h, --help help for porter
-v, --version Print the application version
- porter archive - Archive a bundle from a tag
- porter build - Build a bundle
- porter bundles - Bundle commands
- porter copy - Copy a bundle
- porter create - Create a bundle
- porter credentials - Credentials commands
- porter explain - Explain a bundle
- porter inspect - Inspect a bundle
- porter install - Create a new installation of a bundle
- porter installations - Installation commands
- porter invoke - Invoke a custom action on an installation
- porter lint - Lint a bundle
- porter list - List installed bundles
- porter mixins - Mixin commands. Mixins assist with authoring bundles.
- porter parameters - Parameter set commands
- porter plugins - Plugin commands. Plugins enable Porter to work on different cloud providers and systems.
- porter publish - Publish a bundle
- porter schema - Print the JSON schema for the Porter manifest
- porter show - Show an installation of a bundle
- porter storage - Manage data stored by Porter
- porter uninstall - Uninstall an installation
- porter upgrade - Upgrade an installation
- porter version - Print the application version