What is CNAB?

CNAB stands for “Cloud Native Application Bundle”. When we say “bundle”, that is what we are referring to. There is a CNAB Specification and you can learn more about it at cnab.io.

We like to think of bundles as “cloud installers”. They handle installing not just your application, but also the underlying infrastructure that your application depends upon.

For example, let’s say that you had a Wordpress bundle, which deploys on to a Kubernetes cluster and relies on a MySQL as a Service database. The bundle could have everything you need inside of it:

  • The Wordpress chart
  • The installation bash script
  • Client binaries for helm and azure

The installer would take care of:

  1. Requesting credentials for an existing Kubernetes cluster.
  2. Provisioning an Azure MySQL database.
  3. Collecting the database credentials.
  4. Installing the Wordpress chart and passing in the database credentials.

The person managing the application would only need to know porter install and have credentials for a Kubernetes cluster.

Does Porter fully implement the CNAB specification?

Porter currently implements much of the CNAB spec, however, as the CNAB specification moves toward 1.0, some gaps have emerged. Currently, if you build a bundle with Porter, you’ll be able to install it with Porter. There are some gaps with the spec that limit compatibility with other CNAB tooling. See the CNAB 1.0 Milestone for more information on these gaps.

Does Porter solve something that Ansible, Terraform, etc does not?

Porter is an implementation of the CNAB specification. Cloud Native Application Bundles is a different way of answering “How do I reliably, securely deploy an application and its infrastructure?”. It isn’t replacing Ansible or Terraform but adding some concepts on top. For example, packaging together the Terraform binary and your Terraform scripts into an immutable bundle with a digest that attests that the contents haven’t been altered, that can be distributed via OCI (docker) registries or USB sticks to get into air-gapped networks.

The CNAB spec is pretty open-ended about how to implement the spec, but Porter took the route of making it incredibly easy to take existing tools, like kubectl, Terraform, the azure/aws/gcloud CLIs, and use them inside a bundle. So that you don’t need to rewrite existing scripts.

Does Porter replace Duffle?

No, Porter is not a replacement of Duffle.

In short:

Duffle is the reference implementation of the CNAB specification and is used to quickly vet and demonstrate a working specification.

Porter supports the CNAB spec and empowers bundle authors to create composable, reusable bundles using familiar tools like Helm, Terraform, and their cloud provider’s CLIs. Porter is designed to be the best user experience for working with bundles.

See Porter or Duffle for a comparison of the tools.

Should I use Porter or Duffle?

If you are contributing to the CNAB specification, we recommend vetting your contributions by “verification through implementation” on Duffle.

If you are making bundles, may we suggest using Porter?

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If an upgrade fails, can I roll back?

Bundles can be as smart as the bundle author and the logic that they put into it! 😁 If an action fails, Porter logs that the upgrade was attempted and failed, and will happily let you try again as many times as you want. Ideally the bundle author planned ahead, and the logic they put into the upgrade action is “re-runnable”, or perhaps they provided custom actions to help remediate a borked state.

One gap at the moment in the spec that we are still working on that makes the above scenario more difficult is that there isn’t a good spot in the spec for the author to store state. For example, if during install they provisioned a VM and have an instance ID they would like to store and use later, it’s up to the bundle author to find a spot to store that data right now. There isn’t a standard mechanism defined by the CNAB spec yet.

How do I run commands that aren’t in the default invocation image?

When you create a new bundle, porter generates Dockerfile.tmpl file for you. In the porter.yaml you can specify dockerfile: dockerfile.tmpl to tell Porter that you want to use the template (see Custom Dockerfile) and then you can customize it however you need. You’re on the right track, from there you can use the exec mixin to call whatever you installed.

We have been making custom mixins to provide a nice out-of-the-box user experience. For example, last week I wrote a gcloud mixin that handles always setting the --format json flag, parsing the json output and extracting the values from the output and making them available to the rest of the bundle as outputs that can be used in other steps or as output from the entire bundle. That’s something the exec mixin can’t do (yet) and would be a reason to make a custom mixin.

Are mixins just wrappers around OS or executable calls?

Some Porter mixins are simple adapters between Porter and a command-line tool. The Azure mixins are going to be full fledged tools that communicate with the Azure APIs, and provide an improved user experience. It all depends on how much time you want to invest, and what you are starting from.